Broken Keys Publishing & Press

How We Feel: The Brain Colouring and Learning Books, Vol. 2
by Dr. Maria Zamfir & Dr. Marion Van Horn
In this second volume of the Brain Colouring and Learning Book you will learn about the neuroscience of touch and pain, and pain relief.
"This book is a brilliant fusion of science and art that helps break down complex neuroscience topics - as a pediatric pain specialist I can see this is an amazing resource for children and adults!"
- Fiona Campbell, MD, Professor, University of Toronto & Chronic Pain Program Medical Director, The Hospital for Sick Children

The Brain Colouring and Learning Books, Vol. 1
by Dr. Maria Zamfir & Dr. Marion Van Horn
Two neuroscientists, having spent years doing experiments investigating the intricate details of how the brain works - and also moms, having a lot of experience helping brains develop in real life!
The fruition of their time, energy, labour, and experiences is this fun and educational colouring book as a guide to help introduce the brain to you and your family!

Le Cerveau - livre de coloriage et apprentissage: volume 1
by Dr. Maria Zamfir & Dr. Marion Van Horn
En tant que neuroscientifiques, nous avons passé des années à mener des expériences, afin d’étudier les détails complexes du fonctionnement du cerveau. Mais nous sommes aussi des mamans qui observons et aidons chaque jour à libérer le potentiel des jeunes cerveaux de nos enfants.
Pour partager nos connaissances avec d’autres enfants, nous avons préparé et assemblé ce livre de coloriage amusant et éducatif afin qu’il puisse vous servir de guide, en vous présentant le cerveau, à vous et votre famille!
Vous y découvrirez au fil des pages une collection de personnages originaux issus de la Famille Neurone de Maria, inspirés des vrais cellules trouvées dans le cerveau. Ces personnages vous guideront de façon ludique pendant que vous plongez dans l’univers fantastique du cerveau et de son fonctionnement.
Les activités pratiques, les blagues et les pages de coloriage de ce livre sont conçues pour stimuler l’apprentissage des petits et des grands, et enrichir votre compréhension du cerveau.
Nous avons également inclus des chapeaux en forme de cerveau pour enfants et adultes. Vous pourrez les découper et les porter pendant que vous explorez le livre.
" Ce livre à colorier est un excellent outil pédagogique pour initier les jeunes (et les moins jeunes) à l’univers des neurosciences. Les joyeux personnages nous offrent une magnifique opportunité de redécouvrir le plaisir de prendre le temps de colorier et d’apprécier ce que les arts visuels peuvent apporter aux cerveaux de tous âges. "
- Richard Kinkead, PhD, Père, Neuroscientifique, Professeur à l'Université de Laval

The Tao of Fey
by Sharleen A. McCorrister
(Illustrations by Moran Reudor)
Coming soon!

Mishko the Friendly Bat
by Jana Begovic
Yet another children's book from the creative mind of Jana Begovic!
(Illustrations by Olha Vysotska).
This children's book tells the story of Mishko, the friendly bat, who befriends two brothers and convincing their mother exactly what kind of friend and loyalty Mishko is!

Clean Water for Lukong​
Clean Water for Lukong is the story of a day in the life of a little boy named Lukong, who lives in Kumbo, Cameroon. Lukong is learning about the importance of clean water, and how proud he feels to play a role in the family by helping get the water from the public stand tap, keeping it clean, and helping with related tasks.
Written by Pat Moore, and illustrated by Mary Moore, this book serves both for literacy, and to teach about clean water. It is a beautiful book for young readers, and informs western kids about a day in the life of another culture. As of February 2011, 100 of these books have made their way to Kumbo, for kids in the local reading centre, the library, and neighbourhood schools and homes. The book is making its way to children through the Kumbo Water Authority Improvement Project. Five books have also made their way to children in Ghana. Our “buy a copy for Africa” program enables you to contribute to literacy and education about clean water in Africa. Each copy you buy for Africa will be sent to Cameroon and/or other locations in Africa.

Kat and the Meanies
Kat's Mom and Dad have lots of rules for her to follow...SO many, in fact, she's sure they belong to a Meany Club!
What's a girl to do? Kat dreams of slipping away to find fun in all sorts of places...
Who knows where her journeys will take her?
Release Date: Nov. 3rd, 2022

Little Dragon
A delightful, fun and engaging story about a dragon whose misadventures are amusing and instructive. When Andro the little dragon catches a cold, his explosive sneezing wreaks havoc among his friends and family. His misadventures teach him not only a lesson about good manners, but also show him how he can turn the powerful blast from his nose into a useful weapon.
“A fun little tale with a lesson that your child will love. Cute and sure to make you smile.”
—Andrea B. Lamoureux, Author
“This is an adorable tale about a little dragon named Andro. The delightful story teaches children that If something doesn’t seem to be going right or appears to be a problem, you can change your perspective to see the brighter side. A valuable lesson for everyone!”
-- Beverly Knauer, an award-winning author
“Charming and poignant, Little Dragon gathers together community and family to remind children and adults alike—what appears a flaw just might become our superpower. Jana hits all the heart notes. If I have grandkids, this is on the top of my stack.”
—CK Page, Author