It's getting busy!
Are you ready to get your literature hats on? Ready to build up your autumn and winter reading libraries?
October 26th - saw the release of Scott Cravens' Lost Americana: The End of the American Dream.
This title is available in paperback worldwide as well as on our favourite electronic platforms and devices.
Join Dr. Maria Zamfir and Dr. Marion Van Horn on Nov. 2nd, as guests on Daytime Ottawa TV show with host Derick Fage as they talk about their newest children book, The Brain Colouring and Learning Book, Vol. 1
And hot on the tails of this live interview will follow the release of Broken Keys Publishing - Kids! The Brain Colouring and Learning Book, Vol. 1, in both English AND French. (This will mark BKP's first French language title!)
The Doctors will be making their first appearance at Coles Billings Bridge Plaza on November 4th, so be sure to drop by and pick up your signed edition in time for Christmas!
But that's not all! Not by a long shot!!
Local author Allysina Shinestone will be making her appearance on Daytime Ottawa TV, and host Derick Fage will be speaking with her about the first 5 books of her Octology, Balancing Reality (Yes, Octology - an 8-book series!)
Tune in on November 6th!
Early November we will release voice actor's Maximilian Alexander's reading of the zombie-horror Running Water from the award-winner Ghosts and Other Chthonic Macabres.
But that's not all!
Ottawa country singer, musician, and songwriter, Cee Lawrence will be joining Maximilian, narrating two pieces from Ghosts and Other Chthonic Macabres: the body-horror Monsters, and vampire-short story, The Drink, by Jim Davies.
Not enough? It never is, is it? Never fear, Broken Keys Publishing & Press is on it!
Doctors Maria Zamfir and Marion Van Horn (and myself) will be live on the Mighty CKCU 93.1 FM
Thursday Special Blend will be hosted by Jeff Larocque and we'll be discussing upcoming events, venues, plans, and even probably The Brain's sequel, Volume 2!
But I keep saying Ottawa is rich with literary talents, and I'm not kidding!
Ottawa author and poet, Jagjeet Sharma, will be at Indigo Gloucester on November 11th for a book signing of her latest BKP title, Under a Maple Tree.
Under a Maple Tree is a mixed and random collection of poetry, a byproduct of the Covid-19 pandemic; sometimes its cure worse than the disease, causing devastation and destruction, leaving our lives in the wake of division and a pendulum of emotions.
Once a peaceful country, post-Covid Canada has found itself in a conundrum of incongruities and divisions, its very unity and stability in question; socially, politically, and economically.
A random collection of social and political discourse put in poetic form - a reflection of our times - the news stories of 2022 – Covid-19 - the truckers convoy – the neglect and abuse of our elders in our long term care facilities - the horrific findings of our residential schools. This collection is a continuation of the author's journey and journalistic poetry.
And as we exit this pandemic as a society, as we begin collecting our wits, as the shell shock abates and healing can slowly commence, Under a Maple Tree is the beginning of this journey, a time when we can begin to digest and reflect upon these past tumultuous years.
But we're not done yet. Not by a long shot.

November will see the release of Nancy Steele's Love Defined: Discover God's Love for You.
This title is a devotional and spiritual exercise journal. This will mark another first for BKP, being our first publication into religious study, devotion, and learning.
More exciting is that, the author's profits will go towards Harvest House Ministries supporting men suffering from addictions.
Ann Blauveldt will be making an appearance at Books of Beechwood, promoting and signing copies of The Leavetaking as well as her children's book, Kat and the Meanies on December 9th starting 1pm.
We will likely see Sharleen McCorrister's The Tao of Fey join the ranks of our expanding catalogue of Children's titles.

Ok....It is likely we will see the Doctors and The Brain Colour book making an appearance at Indigo Pinecrest as well as Perfect Books on Elgin.
Of course mid-late November will see the nominations for the Faces of Ottawa Awards commence.
January 1st, 2024:
We will open the new year up with the release of Necropolis 10th Anniversary: The Alia Moubayed Edition (featuring Ottawa model Israa Jomaa as the face of the novel's antagonist, Alia Moubayed.)

(Photography by the award-winning Anna Odeh Photography)
Have I missed anything? I'm sure I have. There is still more going on behind the scenes.
Several exciting titles we're working on, of a variety of genres, likely with early 2024 release dates.
We are waiting with bated breath for the opening of The Book's Better Bookshop
Keep up to date with breaking news, new releases
and events, and keep your thumb on
the pulse of Ottawa's literary scene.
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